Friday, January 8, 2010

Currently Reading

I've decided to read this book next... Still Alice by Lisa Genova about a woman in her 50's who is recently diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer's. My mother saw this author speak at the Cape this past summer and as I add books into my Shelfari account, this book is continually suggested. I have it in hand and hope to start sometime today! I only have it on loan from the library for 2 weeks so need to get crackin. The subject matter truly terrifies me as Alzheimer's is a very nondiscriminating disease that can strike anyone, anytime.

A few blogger friends and I are considering starting up an online book club! Still trying to figure out the logistics and operations of how exactly this can work - if you have any suggestions or would like to be a part of it, I'm all ears :) xo, Brie


Miss to Mrs said...

I want to be a part of it! I've been digging and digging to find a book club in my area and can't find one. I'll bring the popcorn!

Kate said...

Oh I am definitely up for a book club! You could set it up as a blog & then add whoever was participating as "authors" (or whatever bloger calls it - I'd have to check).

Kate said...

BTW - I love Eat to Live (and Dr. Fuhrman's other book "Disease Proof your Child") I don't completely EMBRACE that eating style (as I sit here w/ my coffee & gluten free bagel) but it has definitely been a good influence:)

Jessica Ryan said...

Fabulous book. My book club read this last year. Powerful stuff. Needless to say I kept questioning every time I misplaced something!

Bridget said...

Eat to Live is not for everyone (including me!) but I did learn a lot about getting protein from unexpected sources!

Entertaining Mom - I completely agree, I am about half way through and I love this book. I have had several moments of completely forgetting and/or misplacing this weekend and my heart starts racing. Really scary stuff!