Monday, February 7, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

I LOVE Julia Child and I love her funny valentines - also wonder who took this pic?!?

I have been among the missing.   My camera card port decided to no longer accept my xd card and I couldn't find the usb cord ANYWHERE - I have a short ribs recipe to post (and it's a good one) and you know how I love me some pics!!   I ripped this house apart trying to find it but came up empty handed so I was forced to order a new cord.  It arrived Saturday and GUESS what I found this morning in my junky drawer???  Now I have 2 cords - hooray!  I also had a NASTY case of the flu and was achy all over that even my teeth hurt.   So that's that.... now onto my unimpressive meals for the week b/c I have so much laundry to catch up on from being sick, I can't imagine I'll get to the store until later this week. 

Monday  - chicken casserole with rice - this is your standard crock pot chicken with sour cream/cream of mushroom soup deals and to be honest, I don't really like it.   My appetite is still sub par from the flu but the kids like it plus it's easy so who am I to argue with this. 

Tuesday - Linguini with Clam Sauce, salad

Wednesday - Hamburgers

Thursday - soup and sandwiches

Friday - London Broil, homemade mac and cheese

Sat - Kev's Birthday and we're having a family party, how is my boy turning 12 already, HOW?! 

Sunday - make your own pizza night and salad

So there you have it, I don't really have time to try something new this week but I will make an extra effort to do so next week - I promise ;)  If you saw the mountain of laundry that awaits me you would understand!  Have a wonderful week :)  I'll try to get that short rib recipe up tomorrow!  xo, Brie


Jill said...

I love Julia, and yes I have seen that card before and was always wondering who took the picture!!

The Chic Chauffeur said...

Yum! I'll be over Tuesday!