Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still Here

I've been sewing, cooking, gallivanting and photographing it all.  Just need to upload and get typing some text.  Promise to do them soon :)  In the meantime... I'm drinking this

pardon the stinky pic taken with my phone!
a homemade shamrock shake and while I am enjoying very much and drinking the whole thing in under 5 seconds.  It pains me to tell you that it is truly not as good as McD's version.  Boo hoo... I suspect it's the peppermint extract - don't use as much as that recipe suggests.  A little goes a LONG way with this stuff.  xo, Brie

Tomorrow I am posting a favorite meatless meal recipe for Lent!

1 comment:

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Don't you hate when they aren't as good but hey homemade still rocks! Can't wait to see all the new projects :)