Sunday, April 5, 2009


Sweet mother of pearl - I'm getting hooked on Twitter now. I'm always fashionably late to the newest trends in time wasting fun. It's fun... It's different from facebook b/c while finding old friends is quite fun, I am finding this more direct and time saving with one streaming feed (sort of like facebook's home page news feed) It's basically status updates BUT not only can you follow your buds - you can follow famous people which is quite fun along with old favorites like flylady who tweets and reminds me to spends 10 minutes in my hot spots (ahhhh I've missed her) and CNN top stories updates too! See, it's not all stuff and nonsense. Ok, maybe it is.... but did I mention, it's FUN :) xo, Brie

Come follow me (keeksandbrie) b/c Lord knows I won't be able to follow you any other way. I am nowhere near proficient at this!


lisagh said...

It is a little bit of fun, isn't it?!

Sew Gracious said...

LOL I'm a little behind the Twitter curve too, but glad to see you there!

adozeneggs said...

I'm signing up this weekend so I can follow the HS show!!
I'll look for you there!