Sunday, August 15, 2010


I hate to be such a no show over the summer months but my computer access is limited but we have been having a lot fun. Definitely another great summer! Hope yours was as well! My to do list includes about a million loads of laundry, a thousand photo downloads to go through, and I haven't even begun to think about digging out those lists with all the required school supplies..... (fingers crossed they are where I think I left them)!

So bear with me, I have lots of funny pics and posts to share. In the meantime, if you are looking for a great face painter for a party - hit me with an email! As you can see, this child (my sweet god daughter) is CLEARLY having the time of her life at this party :) xo, Brie


The Chic Chauffeur said...

glad you are back :)

Mrs. Fabulous said...

Ditto Chic Chauffeur. We missed you!