Friday, September 2, 2011


Are you on pinterest yet?  I have to admit it's becoming my new most favorite thingamajig.  I will warn you however, proceed with caution.  It is very addictive.   I will try to explain in a nutshell....

You sign up with a username and it instructs you to download this cool little button to your tool bar called a "pin it" once you successfully complete this step (I am not going to lie, it took me about an hour or so to figure out how to do it but I am a little bit dumb dumb with computer things) you are good to go!  Anytime you see something cool on the internet you can click your new shiny "pin it" button and save it to a board on your page. I have lots of boards with examples like "decorating" "craft ideas" "recipes" "kids parties" etc.  Whenever you decide to revisit the pin to execute the fabulous idea, click on the pin and will take you the original url.  Neat-o!

You can pin things YOU find that you like and want to keep handy and you can also REPIN other people's great finds. You can have followers like Twitter or check out everyone's pins too.  I think it would be especially handy if you are redecorating a room, planning a party, planning a wedding etc etc.  I have started a crock pot board with lots of good looking recipes that I hope to be using lots upon my return to work force. 

My only advice - it is addicting so prepare to go wild the first few times you sign on.  What I am finding with time the obsession dies down a bit b/c lots of these great ideas are being recycled.  This is good news b/c now I check in about 2-3 days a week verses every 2-3 minutes ;)

Here is an example of a "board" - nice and organized - way better than bookmarking everything and clogging up your favorites on the computer!   If you check it out, be sure to follow me: Bridget M and I will follow you right back :) 

You can also find some great quotable to hang on your fridge for some subtle inspiration.  This one is up in my house and I refer to it often! 

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone - how the summer goes by so fast every year beats me!  xo, Brie

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