Friday, January 9, 2009

I heart Cake Wrecks

Thank you to my friend Becca who sent this blog over to me! Such a funny blog about professional cakes gone bad and the writer is hilarious. She needs no publicity - this blog gets major hits but in the event you were missing it like me..... go check it now, it's good stuff Cake Wrecks!

PS Can someone tell Mr. KB this dashing young man in the speedo on the bear skin/stay puff marshmellow man frosting rug HAS to be my 40th bday cake!!!! xo, Brie


a. said...

I love Cake Wrecks, found it about 5 months ago. Hilarious.

KathleenKMM said...

I love Cake Wrecks! I was showing that picture around the office yesterday.

The Mrs. said...


lisagh said...

I love the ones where they mess up what's meant to be written on the cake. So funny!

Miss to Mrs said...

My mom got me that exact same cake for my 21st birthday! Now I'm going to have to go check out that blog.

adozeneggs said...

I've had it on my blogroll for a while, as a cookie/cake decorator, it's just astoundingly funny. I check it every day.