Sunday, January 4, 2009

Menu Planning in 2009

I am working away on my "to do" list here and one of those things includes careful meal planning and shopping. This is not a strength of mine but I found this great blog here that is full of tips to get you started. I am making my menu plans (3 weeks worth already thank you very much) along with separate shopping lists here to keep me a little less A.D.D. in the supermarket and will also be nice to have on a file backup when I plan on working the weeks into repeat.

It is also going to require me going grocery shopping once a week which I seriously hate to do!! I am hoping since I am going to be approaching this trip in such an organized fashion that it won't be a painful for me :)

So here's week one

Sunday Asian Pork Tenderloin (never made this before but it's a Southern living recipe I found on the Organizing Junkie site- really easy so I hope it's good!)

Monday Spaghetti and Meatballs

Tuesday - sandwich night (Tuesdays are busy with activities and I also refuse to cook when the cleaning lady comes every other week)

Wednesday - hamburgers

Thursday - Chicken cutlets

Friday - make your own pizza

Saturday - we're having friends over for dinner so that's a whole separate trip to the store - a party requires my undivided attention and I can't mix the 2 :)
Of course there will be some sides mixed in there too... which usually means at least a salad so don't worry, we are getting our veggies :D
So there you have it! What's for dinner? xo, Brie


Kathi D said...

You are singing my song! I have the worst time getting organized for meals. It's as if I don't realize that mealtime comes along every day and it surprises me every time. I'm going to have a look at your tools and try again myself. (sigh)

k e r r y said...

gotta love a plan! I have three meals planned this week... tonight it was pasta with leftover filets from Sunday night dinner... tomorrow is spit pea soup made from the ham hock from our ham dinner last week, Wed is corned beef with carrots and potatoes and Thurs is tortelini and ceaser salad. Friday... maybe a dinner out? Maybe just left overs... although i hate leftovers!

ZDub said...

I used to do this before I had the baby and then it went out the window. I have stopped in at the store everyday this week since Saturday. I'm ashamed and I so want to get my shit together or get an assistant.