Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas, don't go!

As much as I detest lugging out all the Christmas decorations, I really get attached to the way house looks decorated. I hate to say goodbye to them and really hate packing them away ;) so up they will stay for at least another week! Isn't that over sized ornament so cute? My mother in law gave me that a few years ago, it's green nylon stretched over a cool wire form. I attached a red polka dot grosgrain and hung right over my kitchen sink. I love it!!!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!! Ours was great, it was nice and relaxing. The meal turned out great thanks to the pre-planning! The roast always take longer to cook than I ever remember... will definitely invest in a meat thermometer so I do not have to keep reheating slices of tenderloin to desired doneness. 45 minutes in a 500 degree oven with a 20 minute tinfoil rest ought to do it just right (I went 35 minutes and it was definitely too rare for me!)

Ok, so the house is in such disarray.... I need to pull up the boot straps and start organizing room by room. With the help of fly lady and my trusty timer (more on that later) I do believe we'll get somewhere! To be continued...........................

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