Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Loving how these are coming out! All this glue does give my hands a tarred and feathered appearance, but I do feel these might be worth it! xo, Brie


lisagh said...

Very cute!!!

Excellent, innovative use of the yoyo.

Keely said...

I love them!

jillskict said...

Oh those are SO cute! BTW - no I did not make the video montage from the gala Saturday night, a friend of mine who did our photography did, I will ask him what he used! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

So cute. I'll take one of each.

The Chic Chauffeur said...

Yo! I love these!!! Especially the one that looks like it is a burberry yoyo!!!

N said...

These are super, super cute!!