Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Despite Ms. C shouting to it on the roof - "Don't go near those cages, they are traps!!! I want you to stay with us forever...." Mama Squirrel finally set foot in the bigger cage and was whisked away to the beautiful countryside in Tewksbury, NJ this afternoon. I know we all wish her fond farewell :) We know there is at least one still in the attic and we hope it's only one. We are all anxiously awaiting it to venture out into the humane trap! xo, Brie
So are you loving this "all squirrels, all the time" blog? Yeah, me neither :( It's so all consuming
Photo credit to zazzle.com who has quite a bit of awesome squirrel merchandise. If you like squirrels, that is ;) http://www.zazzle.com/squirrel+gifts

1 comment:

Seersucker Scrapper said...

At least they are in the attic. We had one in our apartment when I was younger. One of my roommates armed himself with a broom and a shoebox and screamed like a little girl, but was able to get him and shooed him out the door.

They are a big pain in the a@*