Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sneak Peek into Last Night

We had a blast last night... an out until 3 am kind of blast last night. It was a surprise 40th for my friend Jeanette and I didn't dare mention it just in case she was reading the blog ;) More details to follow, but check out the band they are Veritigo USA a U2 tribute band! Awesome is an understatement! xo, Brie


Jules said...

3am?! I'm jealous. Lately the only thing that has me out of bed at 3am is teething and fevers. Humph.

Ang said...

Wow!! If you are anything like me, it will take days to recover from that!!!

Bridget said...

This is so out of character for me and from the way I am recovering from the lack of sleep, I will not be pulling a repeat performance! Thank God I was the designated driver! I can only imagine what this would feel like with a hangover on top ;)