Monday, June 2, 2008

Ebay Monday :)

This ebay Monday is devoted to oversized barbie makeover heads everywhere! I couldn't wait to unleash my inner beautician with one these babies.... my career never quite got off the ground sadly. My barbie heads usually ended up looking like (in PR Christian speak) a hot tranny mess! I was a beauty school dropout at eight years old.

I sadly didn't have the "Farrah" head but I chose her specifically for today's example for her awesome cold fish caught in the headlights expression. See those gorgeous feathers Farrah sports on the box? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! You can curl, primp, and spritz for a week, it's NOT GONNA HAPPEN ;) Trust me, I've been there! xo, Brie


lisagh said...

OMG! I soooo loved the decapitated Barbie head makeover toy as a child. The best was the makeup - blue eye shadow anyone!

The Mrs. said...

I had the barbie head. That one is a little too real and scary!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the scariest thing I've ever laid eyes on!

Miss to Mrs said...

I really wanted one of those Barbie heads as a child. I wanted it so bad that I have considered buying one several times as an adult just so I could say that I had one. The people that owned one of those are true lucky duckies.

a. said...

I totally remember this as a kid, scary!!!!!