Friday, February 8, 2008

Always check your PreSchooler's Bookbag!

A PSA for parents with 3 year olds who like to pack their own backpack for school. Mine threw in an unopened package of these napkins to bring to school today to share with the class! Thankfully I caught this before we left, now they are up high ;) xo, Brie


Miss to Mrs said...

I just found your blog through your comment on Pancake and French Fries' blog and I think it's great. As a former pre-school teacher it would have been a priceless moment to see a student pull those napkins out of their bag. Kids are so funny!

k e r r y said...


N said...

I'm glad fabulous napkins like those weren't wasted on unappreciative preschool minds!

Bridget said...

Ha! Great point Nicolette!