Thursday, February 28, 2008

Straight to the Garbage with you!

You are horrible!
but hey, hey, hey... Jason did that funny dance again! Gotta respect his commitment to choreography!


Miss to Mrs said...

I thought we had those four pegged for sure. I can't believe that eight ball went one for four. I'm a little disappointed that Ricky Martin didn't do his big move at the end of the performance. I sat patiently waiting for nothing. Kady and Alaina certainly delivered a priceless moment though. Thanks girls!

Bridget said...

rewind your tivo... he DID it :D

Miss to Mrs said...

What? I'm the only person in America who doesn't have Tivo and I missed it. How in the world did this happen? That's it, my friends are no longer allowed to text me either during the show even if it is show related. (The world knows not to call my house during AI) I obviously cannot manage two things at once and I miss major events.

a. said...

I don't have TIVO either! - very funny!

The Mrs. said...

I think they all such this year except for 16 year old cutey and hot Austrailian guy!